Friday, August 29, 2008

Is it true the kiwi is a human-engineered fruit and doesn't exist in nature?

yes and no.Professor at the Department of Organismeal Biology, ecology and Evolution at the University of Guelph in canada says " the kiwi which is known for its abundance of vitamin C and is commonly found in fruit or gricery stores. The fruit was altered for size, taste and hardiness in 20th century by New Zealand fruit growers.Seeing that the physical properties like kiwi, so its name was adopted for the "new" kiwi.
-Reader's Digest. 2003-

How To Treat A Burn.

do you know how to use the first aid? if you dont know how to use it you better learn because even though prompt and correct action can be criticle if there's someting are the basics to treat a burn. took the area under cool water for 15 minutes. If there's no water, use any drinkable fluid. do not apply ice cube. Cover with a gel for burnd, spun cotton swabs and crepe bandage. Seek doctor if the burn about 15% of your skin. If it deep, blistered or very painful.
- Reader's Digest, 2003-

Do golgfish really have a ten-second memory?

i have read this article at Reader's digest.this article is about the memory of goldfish. a goldfish are able to remember their owners because they swim to the surface expecting food when the owner approaches the tank.They also get disoriented if you rearrange the objects or plants around them. that's true because i'm also have 2 goldfishs when i was a kid. its really funny when the goldfish follow my finger when i let my finger around the aquarium.

Bye Bye Migraine

I have read this article at Reader's Digest. this article is about many people who suffer migrain tend to take a painkiller and just wait for the pain to go.A new study suggest that an antiseizure drug can reduce the frequency and prevent migrains without the nasty rebound.Research has been doing at the numerous medical centre across the United States and Canada, by Jam Bramdes, a nuerologyst at the Nashville Neuroscience Group says, a total of 468 patients took the drug called topiramate for 6 to half months, migraines are caused by hyperactive brain signals overhelming nerve endings. Topiramate seem to calm the signals. He believe that topiramate can stabilize brain activity , so migrain will not return.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Risk in Vitamin E

Vitamin E is needed for healthy skin and to boost immunity. Vitamin E also is used to prevent or treat heart disease, Alzheimer. Vitamin E is safe if we take in a small amount daily but it in risk when we take a large amount of it.Researcher by epidemiologist Edgar miller found that the risk of death increased by 5% when people took more than 400IU vitamin E daily.
- Reader's Digest, march 2005 -

Do you like eat vegetables?

In recent study, preschool-age cildren who planted, weeded, watered and harvestered a plot showed their willingness to eat vegetables, especially green beans.Gardening lets children make a connection between their food and where it comes from and this may make the kids less likely to think that vegetables are icky.
-Reader's Digest, march 2003 -

The formula for Happiness

Life will be easier if there have an equation to get the happiness.UK psychologists found : P+E+H.
P- Personal characteristis(outlook, adaptability)
E- existence (health, money, friends)
H- higher order ( self-esteem, ambitious)
about 1000 people were interviewed to arrived at the formula of hapiness
- Reader's Digest, August 2003-

Allergy Prone? Easy On The Body Booze

you might want to cut back on alcohol if you suffer from allergies.Scientist at Spain's University of Santiago de Composetela have reported a link between even moderate alcohol consumption and he IgE antibodies found in high level in the blood of people prone to develop allergic illnesses.. Red wine also may be worst

- Reader's digest, march 2005 -

when a kid wets the bed

Why does it happen?
it cause by 3 things..
1- The body does not produce enough arginine vasopressin
2- under-average bladder capacity
3- it hard to wake up when his bladder is full
this can be stop eventually without help. but there are treatments
* training-urinating regularly and fuly empty the bladder.
* medication for reduce urine production.
- reader's digest, march 2005 -